The 2019 Noire Pageant Queen Ambassador
"I would like to use this art form to create a safe space where the audience and performers alike question the status quo, defy the norms, and invite mutual understandings driven by compassion.  My ultimate goal is that I want to be the example of love, to evoke resilience in others, and to have kindness not only be my legacy but a new norm."
Crocodile Lightning is crowned the Queen Ambassador of the Noire Pageant. As the first reigning Queen Ambassador, she collaborates with Egypt Blaque Knyle and Perle Noire to create access and representation for performers of color and queer artists through various community-based projects in 2019. The first project is the Trans-Formative Movement: Transfemme Sensuality for Every Body where she co-facilitates a movement-based workshop for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals in Chicago. The second project is her all-POC, queer Murder Mystery Burlesque Revue that she co-produces.