Artist Profile
The Enchantress of the East and the Scarlet Siren of Siam, Crocodile Lightning is a high-voltage temptress whose face tells a tale and whose gaze electrifies you. With a blast of humor, a splash of sensuality, and a flash of naughtiness, she is here to captivate you with her dazzling performance. Crocodile Lightning has twirled her signature ribbons and performed across the USA and in New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and Canada. An OG (Original Goddess) of the House of Knyle, Crocodile Lightning has strengthened her grip on the throbbing passion at the root of burlesque. She is ready to make you explode with maximum pleasure with her performance.
Crocodile Lightning uses the art of striptease to rekindle the connection with her body and femme sensuality. Similarly, she uses performance arts both to unpack the socially-constructed notions of gender and to express her courage, vulnerability, and resilience. Crocodile Lightning incorporates self-compassion and mindfulness practices in her performances and teachings as she invites the audience to challenge the status quo and awaken to the moment-to-moment vitality of life.
She sure puts the Bang in Bangkok!
Crocodile Lightning is crowned the 2019 Queen Ambassador of the Noire Pageant. She was the headliner at the 7th Fierce! Queer Performing Arts Festival in Columbus, OH in May, 2019 and the featured performer and the winner of the Biggest Tease award at the 7th Oklahoma City Burlesque Festival in June, 2019. She was also the 2019 1st runner up of the Grand Master Funk at the What The Funk All PoC Burlesque Festival.
Learn about Crocodile Lightning's artistic mission, vision, and execution in her various interviews by clicking on the buttons below.

International Shows
Coming Soon!
U.S. Shows
Forbidden City Burlesque with Coby Yee and the Grant Avenue Follies, San Francisco, CA
The Emerald City Burlesque Revue, Seattle WA (Featured Performer)
Sunday Night Shuga Shaq, Seattle WA
Hubba Hubba Revue- TemptASIAN, San Francisco, CA
The Noire Pageant Fundraiser- MPLS Edition (Headliner)
The Noire Pageant, New York City, (Featured Performer)
International Shows
Berlin Burlesque Week, Berlin Germany
Sweetease, Geneva Switzerland
Australian Burlesque Festival, Sydney Australia
U.S. Shows
Audrey Deluxe's Burlesque Bingo, Long Beach CA
Freezing Tassel Burlesque Festival, Anchorage, Alaska
Shimmy Shack Burlesque, Grand Rapids MI
Moisture Festival, Seattle WA
Burlesque Bingo at Viva Las Vegas
The Titty 500, Indianapolis IN
Fierce! Queer Festival (Headliner), Columbus OH
Show Me Burlesque and Vaudeville Festival, Saint Louis MO
Oklahoma City Burlesque Festival (Featured performer; Biggest Tease Award Winner)
Hubba Hubba Revue, San Francisco CA
Speakeasy Sunday, Detriot MI
Carnivale De Sensuale, Denver CO
What The Funk Festival, Seattle WA
Phantasmagoria (Featured Performer)
Oregon Burlesque Festival
The Buttcracker Burlesque, Chicago IL
International Shows
Vancouver International Burlesque Festival
Bagel Burlesque Expo (Montreal, Canada)
New Zealand Burlesque Festival
Fierce International Queer Burlesque Festival (Toronto, Canada)
Swiss Burlesque Festival (Competition; Basel, Switzerland)
Stockholm Burlesque Festival (Stockholm, Sweden)
U.S. Shows
It's a Doll World! with the Rocket Doll Revue (Indianapolis, IN)
Texas Burlesque Festival (Austin, TX)
The 6th Asian Burlesque Extravaganza (New York, NYC)
Burning City Neo-Vintage Entertainment Festival (Chicago, IL)
Golden Legend Champion Challenge (Won the Best Eye Fuck Award; Denver, CO)
Carnivale De Sensuale (Dallas, TX)
Real! Live! Tease! with the Sweet Soiree MPLS (Minneapolis, MN)